REIKI 1 beginners in ENGLISH online 20% or in Zurich - traditional USUI SHIKI RYOHO System of Natural Healing

Seminar Reiki


YVETTE PLIMMER @ Reiki School for 20+ years!
In Zurich or online, 20%-50%.
The format of the course, whether online or in-person, usually depends on the initial registration unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Please have a look here

Self-healing and self-help using Reiki exercises.
For yourself and others.
The Reiki trainings serve to stabilize and strengthen the mental as well as the physical health, in addition to activating the self-healing powers.

What is Reiki?
Reiki Ryoho is a healing practice that originated in Japan. Reiki practitioners place their hands lightly on or just above the person receiving treatment, with the goal of facilitating the person’s own healing response. In the United States, Reiki is part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).

Reiki is easy and simple to learn. It is a non-invasive healing modality. Reiki has twofold purposes: healing and spiritual. As we develop our spirituality, our Reiki energy level increases. Ego has no place in Reiki.

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a unique touch healing method and means universal life energy – universal (-rei) and life energy (-ki).
It is a system of energy healing, using spirituallity guided unversal life force energy and it is a also a useful tool for self-awareness and transformation.

Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-invasive form of hands-on healing that increases energy, reduces pain, produces deep relaxation and a general feeling of well-being.

Reiki takes effect on all levels, body, mind, spirit and soul. By stimulating the body’s natural healing ability at the deepest level, it removes physical and emotional blockages that may have been causing illness or upset for some time.

Many different ailments can be cured or relieved by the healing energy. Problems such as headaches, back ache and stress-related illness, chronic illnesses, such as arthritis or asthma all respond well to energy treatment. Most times repeated treatments need to be required for an improvement to be seen.

REIKI stimulates the natural self-healing process
REIKI vitalizes body and soul
REIKI restores the souls harmony and the mind’s well-being
REIKI it takes effect on all levels including body, emotions,
mind and spirit
REIKI balances the energy
REIKI resolves energy blockades and stimulates relaxation
REIKI has a detoxicating effect
REIKI adopts naturally and individuality to the needs of
the recipient
REIKI it also can be used for animals and plants
REIKI it is a very pleasant holistic healing method
REIKI 1 COURSE – some of its contents

Yvette Plimmer
Reiki since 2002, Reiki Master &Teacher
Learnt in England and Switzerland

Courses in Zurich or online 20%

and FRESH organic skincare

Reiki 1 in ENGLISH (beginners) SHODEN – Usui Shiki Ryoho acc. to Mikao Usui
(no requirements needed – everyone can learn it)
- REIKI stimulates the natural self-healing process
- REIKI vitalizes body and soul
- REIKI restores the souls harmony and the mind’s well-being
- REIKI it takes effect on all levels including body, emotions, mind and spirit
- REIKI balances the energy
- REIKI resolves energy blockades and stimulates relaxation
- REIKI has a detoxicating effect
- REIKI adopts naturally and individuality to the needs of the recipient
- REIKI it also can be used for animals and plants
- REIKI it is a very pleasant holistic healing method

Incl. detailed manual - my 22 years of experience - small group - diploma - access to - Reiki lineage/tree

Für wen ist dieser Kurs gedacht?

Dieser Kurs / dieses Seminar hat keine spezielle Zielgruppe.

Voraussetzungen: das sollten Sie bereits wissen

Für diesen Kurs / dieses Seminar werden keine Voraussetzungen benötigt.

  • , 10.00 Uhr
  • , 10.30 Uhr
  • , 11.00 Uhr
  • , 09.45 Uhr
  • , 10.00 Uhr
  • , 10.30 Uhr
  • , 10.00 Uhr
  • , 10.00 Uhr
  • , 10.00 Uhr
Dauer 2 half days or 1 day
Teilnehmer small group
Preis 245 - 490 CHF
22 Jahre REIKI Schule Schweiz & Gesundheitspraxis Yvette Plimmer
Rautistrasse 6
CH 8047 Zürich


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