REIKI 2 in ENGLISH in Zurich or online - traditional acc. to Dr. Mikao Usui USUI SHIKI RYOHO Usui System of Natural Healing

Seminar Reiki


YVETTE PLIMMER @ Reiki School for 20+ years!
The format of the course, whether online or in-person, usually depends on the initial registration unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please have a look here

- Healing the inner child - Distance healing for yourself & others as well as for world peace - Releasing blockages - Clearing the past - Creating the future - Visionboard - Clearing the room & aura -

In 2nd level, we're introduced to the sacred symbols given to Dr Usui on Mt Kurama.
We learn how to use them in our healing practice+ all other areas of our lives, relationships+goals.
We also look at combining affirmations with Reiki to support change.
Distance healing plays an important part of 2nd degree+we learn how to heal others who are absent from us, as well as healing past traumatic events in this life+past lives of ourselves.
Incl. detailed manual - my 20 years of experience - small group - diploma - access to - Reiki lineage/tree

The format of the course, whether online or in 8008 Zurich, usually depends on the initial registration unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Online courses:
My interactive online courses (no pre-recorded videos but live sessions in a 1:1 format with me) offer a unique experience.

If you have previously learned from me, you can repeat the same course at a reduced price of 50%.

Please note that discounts cannot be combined.

Yvette Plimmer
Reiki since 2002, Reiki Master &Teacher
Learnt in England and Switzerland

and FRESH organic skincare

– history of the sacred symbols with their Mantras+Kotodamas
– reiki bubble+wishing box
– energizing objects
– healing for the inner child+past traumas
– distance healing
– use of surrogates for distant healing
– sending healing to multi-recipients
– programming energy
– sending energy to places, the future+the past
– attunement
– cleansing of houses/negative energy
– repetition of aura cleansing, scanning, beaming & protection

Für wen ist dieser Kurs gedacht?

Dieser Kurs / dieses Seminar hat keine spezielle Zielgruppe.

Voraussetzungen: das sollten Sie bereits wissen


  • , 10.00 Uhr
  • , 10.00 Uhr
Dauer 1 day or 2 half days
Teilnehmer small group
Preis 310 - 620 CHF
22 Jahre REIKI Schule Schweiz & Gesundheitspraxis Yvette Plimmer
Rautistrasse 6
CH 8047 Zürich


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