Sharing the Dance Contact Improvisation and American Culture (New Directions in Anthropological Writing)

Aus der Kategorie Tänze Bücher

Sharing the Dance: Contact Improvisation and American Culture (New Directions in Anthropological Writing)

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In "Sharing the Dance", Cynthia Novack considers the development of contact improvisation within its web of historical, social and cultural contexts. This book examines the ways contact improvisors (and their surrounding communities) encode sexuality, spontaneity and gender roles as well as concepts of the self and society in their dancing.

While focusing on the changing practise of contact improvisation through two decades of social transformation, Novack's work incorporates the history of rock dancing and disco, the modern and experimental dance movements of Merce Cunningham, Anna Halprin and Judson Church, among others and a variety of other physical activities such as martial arts, aerobics and wrestling.

Autor/in: Cynthia J. Novack
ISBN: 0299124444

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Sharing the Dance: Contact Improvisation and American Culture (New Directions in Anthropological Writing) Sharing the Dance: Contact Improvisation and American Culture (New Directions in Anthropological Writing)


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Sharing the Dance: Contact Improvisation and American Culture (New Directions in Anthropological Writing)
Sharing the Dance: Contact Improvisation and American Culture (New Directions in Anthropological Writing)

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